With the passage of time, so many trends fade away. Take for example fashion. Once Bell Bottoms used to be so hit amongst everybody, but now they have completely vanished. Similar is the case with web technology. There is some advancement being made every second. Even while you are reading this, there is some innovation taking place somewhere and everybody is benefiting from it. Especially businesses! The World Wide Web has become an effective channel to enhance your business growth. That’s precisely why most organisations have set up websites to have an online presence. But there’s is a catch. The internet is not restricted to your personal computer anymore. The users now have laptops, smartphones, iPads, tablets and so many devices. Just walk into a Starbucks during lunch and you’ll find almost everybody surfing the internet from their phones, laptops and other devices.

So, the new trend is to take your website to the modern devices that the users are using. But your already working website which looks great on computer look horrible on mobile phones. Some doesn’t even function on phones at all. It’s time to upgrade because nobody wants to offer a negative experience to their users. Do we? The good thing is you don’t need to create separate multiple versions of your website to be compatible with different devices. We have responsive web design solutions.

Responsive web design is a design development technique that reacts according to the screen size of the device in use. In other words, responsive web is designed to respond according to its web browsing environment. As a business, the benefits of using Responsive web design are many. The user experience can have a more responsive and free flowing experience. This will directly result in an increase in customers and revenue. If recent statics are to be believed 67% of the internet users make purchases from their smartphones.

Investment in a responsive web design also means reduced cost and development time for cross platform solutions. But more than anything, responsive web design solutions makes your website ‘future-friendly’. And that’s quiet something. Isn’t it?

Topics : Updates, Mobile Technology

Tanya Kumari

Written by Tanya Kumari

Tanya leads the Digital Marketing Team at Classic Informatics, a leading web development company . She is an avid reader, music lover and a technology enthusiast who likes to be up to date with all the latest advancements happening in the techno world. When she is not working on her latest article on agile team dynamics, you can find her by the coffee machine, briefing co-workers on the perks of living a healthy lifestyle and how to achieve it.